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Investor Conference Call

Investor Conference Call

IBX Investor Call Notice imageImagion Biosystems Limited (Imagion, ASX:IBX) invites shareholders and other interested parties to join CEO Robert Proulx for an update on the company’s progress and developments.
Mr. Proulx will also address questions from investors as part of the call. Please submit these by email to in advance of the date of the call.
The call is scheduled for Tuesday 12 December at 12:00 PM AEDT (9 AM AWST / 5:00 PM US Pacific time Monday 11 December).
To connect to the call please use either the following weblink to register or join using one of the dial-in numbers and access code:
Long distance +61 2 9087 3602
Toll-free 1 800 071 059
United States
Long distance +1 (213) 929 4221
Toll-free 1 877 309 2074
United Kingdom
Long distance +44 330 221 9914
Toll-free 0 800 169 0433
ACCESS CODE: 168-007-394
View this notice as an ASX Announcement: Investor Conference Call

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