Late-Breaking MagSense® Safety Study Abstract Accepted for AACR 2018

Late-Breaking MagSense® Safety Study Abstract Accepted for AACR 2018

Imagion Biosystems’ abstract “Detection of HER2+ tumor cells using MagSense® nanoparticles: safety and sensitivity” has been accepted for the 2018 AACR meeting under the organization’s “late breaking” program for “highly significant and timely findings” of “high scientific priority.”
The abstract details the scientific findings from a safety assessment study on the effects of MagSense tumor-targeting nanoparticles on markers of human immune system activation, and of systemic nanoparticle administration in mice.
These findings will be presented at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Association of Cancer Research, during the “Late Breaking Research: Cancer Chemistry” session.

Poster Title: Detection of HER2+ tumor cells using MagSense® nanoparticles: safety and sensitivity

Session Title: Late-Breaking Research: Cancer Chemistry

Monday April 16, 2018, 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Poster Section #43, Poster Board #1


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