Imagion Biosystems Limited (ASX: IBX) (the Company) refers to its renounceable pro rata right issue offer of new fully paid ordinary shares (New Shares) announced on 28 October 2019 (Rights Issue). Under the Rights Issue, each subscriber will receive, for every New Shares subscribed, 1 new free attaching option exercisable into a fully paid ordinary share at $0.05, expiring 2 years from its date of issue (New Option).
The Company lodged a prospectus with ASIC and ASX in relation to the Rights Issue on 28 October 2019.
The Company has now determined to vary the Rights Issue offer by seeking quotation of the New Options of the ASX, and extending the closing date of the offer. Accordingly, the Company has today lodged with ASIC and ASX a supplementary prospectus dated 8 November 2019, which sets out the variations.
Quotation of New Options
Attached to this announcement is Appendix 3B seeking quotation of the New Options. The Company has previously applied for quotation of the New Shares under an Appendix 3B dated 29 October 2019.
Read the Offer Update and Appendix 3B.
Imagion Initiates Manufacturing of MagSense® Drug for Phase 2 Clinical Study on HER2+ Breast Cancer
MELBOURNE – Imagion Biosystems (Company) (ASX : IBX), a company dedicated to improving healthcare outcomes through the early detection of cancer, is pleased to announce