PrecisionMRX® Nanoparticles
Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles that are, quite simply, super.
How it Works
PrecisionMRX® nanoparticles are extensively characterized by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to ensure the nanoparticle cores have a uniformly spherical morphology and are consistent in size with narrow dispersity, resulting in minimum batch-to-batch variability.
Particles from other suppliers typically have poor control over size and shape making them less reliable and consistent for the demands of many applications.


High Magnetic Susceptibility
PrecisionMRX® nanoparticles have been developed for magnetic relaxometry and other demanding biomedical applications where the magnet susceptibility of the nanoparticle can be instrumental.
The saturation magnetization of PrecisionMRX® nanoparticles is typically twice as great as conventional iron oxide particles, even in an applied low or weak magnetic field.
PrecisionMRX® nanoparticles can provide excellent contrast even at 1.5T.

By using different MRI sequences, clear information on anatomy (T1-weighted), nanoparticle location (T2-weighted) and magnetic susceptibility (T2*) can be achieved.
Lot-to-Lot Consistency

SPIONS are ideal for various biomedical applications
Explore the many applications of our PrecisionMRX® nanoparticles and find answers to common questions in our FAQs.
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